Better-Than-Microwave-Popcorn Popcorn

About 15 minutes ago, I closed my computer and headed back to my room to finish reading about Texas Criminal Procedure before bed ('tis the very exciting life of a recent law grad...)  On my way back, I noticed the empty zipper bag of popcorn that I finished off last night.  Since it is Saturday night, I reasoned that a quick break to go a little wild and try my hand at cinnamon coconut oil popcorn was absolutely necessary...  And, since I have studied like a maniac all week, I further reasoned that sharing the recipe must happen right now!

Coconut Oil, Cinnamon & Sugar Popcorn

1.  Heat 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil in a large pot over medium-high heat.  Once the oil is melted, add about 5 kernels of popcorn to the pan.  Cover with the lid.

2.  As soon as you hear the first kernel pop, remove the pan from the heat and add 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/3 to 1/2 cups of popcorn.  (Note:  As soon as you start pouring the popcorn into the pan, inevitably the other kernels will all instantly pop and scare the bejeezits out of you.  If you are like me, you will then spend the entirety of the next step in the floor picking up the kernels that you spilled when you jumped as if you had no idea that said kernels would pop...).

3.  Replace the lid.  Wait 30 seconds and then put the pan back on the heat.  The popcorn should start popping pretty quickly.  Vent the lid slightly so that the steam can escape.  Shake the pan on the burner until the popping almost stops.  Remove from heat.

If you want to add extra coconut oil (recommended!):  Pour the popcorn into a bowl, and add more coconut oil to the pan.  It should melt quickly.  If you also want to add extra cinnamon or sugar, add that to the oil now.  Pour oil mixture over the popcorn.  Toss the popcorn back and forth between the bowl and the pan to mix throughly.  YUM!!!!

If you did it right, you will seriously never eat mysteriously-yellow-colored microwave popcorn again - promise!

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