
Little Bear loves bananas.  Like, LOVES bananas.  I keep two bunches in the house at all times.  I'd hate to see the day when we run out of bananas at breakfast time...

But, even still, we occassionally have a stray banana or two that is about to go bad and won't be eaten.  I usually don't have enough bananas going bad at once to make banana bread, but I really don't like throwing food away. 

Solution:  Peel the bananas and freeze them.  I just keep a gallon freezer bag of bananas in the freezer and add to it as I get additional extra ripe banans.  You can use them in smoothies or thaw them out once you have several saved up and use them in a recipe.


  1. This is my favorite post, because although bananas are cheap...we are always throwing a couple away every week, and I too hate wasting money! Now I will just save them and make banana bread. great idea thanks! =)

  2. This is great idea. I usually buy a comb of bananas and have to throw away some before I could finish them all. It's really sad because firstly, I really hate to waste food and secondly, I love bananas! >.<

  3. never really thought about freezing them...great idea


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