Frozen Fruit Margaritas

A few weeks ago, I had one of those days...

The day started with an entire cup of coffee poured on the changing table, in the laundry hamper, in the dresser drawers, and all over the carpet/rug in Little Bear's room...  An entire box of organic Cheerios smashed into the kitchen floor, the discovery that my favorite beer had been discontinued, a grocery store tantrum (by Little Bear, not me - I promise) & a shattered glass pint jar of raisins later...  Momma needed a drink. 

All of this happened while I was getting the carpet cleaner to clean up the
coffee from his bedroom floor... About 2 seconds after I snapped the picture,
his hand violently swished the cereal ALL over the floor.

Finally home, I headed to the pantry and checked the top shelf.  Nothing.  Well, almost nothing.  I had one bottle of tequila left from our housewarming party 3 years ago & a bottle of melon liquor.  Ugh.  We had no mixers & my days of tequila shots were short-lived and long-gone.  What to do?!

Frozen fruit margaritas!

As if my frustration with the day wasn't enough, there was a weird plastic cap thing on the top of the tequila.  It was some sort of seal, but I could not for the life of me get the damn thing off.  I snapped a pic and texted it to Husband (who was, of course, out of town for the weekend).  No help.

What's that saying?  Where there's (a desperate enough mom and) a will, there's a way?  Something like that.  One butcher's knife and a plastic cap stabbing later, BINGO!
I ended up having to strain the tequila through the mesh strainer from my wine aerator into my measuring (shot) glasses, because there were little bits of plastic all in the bottle...

Anyhow - on to the recipe!


  • 5 cups of frozen fruit (I used about 4 cups of peaches and 1 cup of blueberries)
  • 1/2 cup tequila
  • 1/2 cup juice (I used mango nectar)
  • 1 medium lime, juiced

Combine everything in the blender and mix on high until it's all smooth.  You may need more or less juice, depending on the moisture content and temperature of your fruit.

This is easily one of the best margaritas I've ever had - soooo refreshing!  It could easily be made with rum for a frozen daiquiri or with vodka for a frozen cocktail.  YUM!

1 comment:

  1. sounds Really good.... love the idea of the fruit in it


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