Product Review: Itzy Ritzy Snack Bags

Note: I won this product in a Facebook giveaway by Itzy Ritzy. It was not provided to me for the purposes of writing this review. After the review was written, I contacted Itzy Ritzy to see if they’d like to do a little giveaway for y’all, and they said, “of course!” I can’t wait for you guys to get to try these snack bags!

Let's be honest, how great can a little cloth zipper bag be? How could one possibly be worth 10 bucks? I was more than grateful to be able to get my hands on them, but dismissed the thought of ever paying for one. That's what Ziplocs are for, right?

The fabric patterns are adorable, they are super durable, and oh-oh-oh so convenient! I'm sold! I don't think you need 20 of them lying around, but I absolutely recommend keeping a few on hand.

I keep my 3 in the pantry filled with different snacks and treats - raisins in one, graham crackers in one, and a stash of emergency chocolate chips in another. It's super easy to grab whichever ones I need and toss them in the diaper bag as I'm leaving the house.

The bags are MUCH more reliable than a plastic zipper bag, so I don't have to worry about amassing a pile of random food crumbs in the bottom of my purse/diaper bag because of punctured zipper bags. Plus, they can be tossed in the washing machine with a mild detergent and the waterproof lining doesn't lose its swagger! I've even forgotten to pull them out to hang dry (per the washing instructions) a few times, and they survived the low setting on my dryer just fine.

Obviously, you're also creating less trash and using less plastic by switching from plastic zipper bags to the reusable Itzy Ritzy cloth bags.

These bags are not just for kids, either! I stick some baby carrots and other small veggies in mine and take them as an on-the-go snack. This really helps curb the tendency to grab an unhealthy (and often pricy) snack while I'm away from home.

Final Grade:  A-

I really wanted to share these bags with y’all, so Itzy Ritzy offered to sponsor a giveaway so that I can. Yay! We are giving away a Snack Happened Bag (retail $10) to one lucky Living Unrefined reader (shipped anywhere in the USA)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i wish i had won this giveaway... i hate being a poor college student but i love these little bags!

  2. These bags look super cute. I am always trying to find ways to reduce my waste. They should do another free give away.


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