Husband:  What's a cow say?
Little Bear:  Mooooo
Husband:  What's a sheep say?
Little Bear:  Baaaaaaa
Husband:  What's a dog say?
Little Bear:  Oof Oof
Husband:  What's Mommy say?
{My eyes dart across the room}
Little Bear: *SIGH*

Confession:  I am a sigher.  A compulsive, exaggerated sigher.  There's nothing like the honesty of a kid to kick you while you're down, right?  I sigh over everything.  It's my go-to response to anything that is not wholly awesome.  I really don't want Little Bear to grown up thinking that Mommy is always put out by him or annoyed with him, though.  I suppose I'll add it to the list of things that I need to work on...

What was your not-so-glorious moment of the week?  We promise not to laugh... too hard!


  1. Sighing is pretty awesome, it lets tension out of the body in one big breath. Maybe you could work on having more blissful sighs!

  2. That is hilarious! I agree, you can't fight the sigh--but maybe you could resolve to end each one with a smile after you release that rejuvenating breath . :)

  3. This is my favorite! I picked it because I am writing a paper writing a paper that is due tomorrow(Yay procrastination) and all I can seem to do is sigh every time I finish a paragraph. I know how you feel. It just made me laugh.


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