Save the Bread! (Homemade Breadcrumbs)

Last week we repurposed over-ripe bananas.  This week we're saving your bread!

Instead of throwing out over-toasted bread (I seriously stink at making toast...), stale bread, or the heels of a loaf, save them for breadcrumbs.  Just throw the unusable pieces in a gallon zipper bag and store them in the freezer. 

When you get a couple of bags saved up, lay the pieces in single layers on a cookie sheet.

Toast them in the oven at 250 degrees for about 45 minutes, or until the pieces are completely dried out, but not darkened.

Break the slices of bread into small pieces, and leave them out in a bowl on the counter overnight.

Place the pieces in a food processor and pulse until they are completely ground-up.

Store the crumbs in a zipper bag in the freezer and use them as needed.

I started with 3 mostly full gallon bags of bread slices, and ended up with about 9 cups of organic bread crumbs.

Organic store-bought bread crumbs run around $6 for about 2 or 3 cups, but this is totally free! I haven't bought bread crumbs in years!

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