Supermom Crib Sheet Trick

I *think* I read about this in a product review comment before Little Bear was born.  Regardless of where the idea came from, it's saved me tons of sanity over the past year and a half!  I've only done it with crib sheets, but I don't see why it wouldn't work on a toddler bed or even a twin-size mattress.

I seriously feel like a supermom when I have to change the sheets and can do it in less than 15 seconds!

What you'll need:

What you do:
1.  Take the mattress out of the crib, and put the mattress protector on it.

2.  Put a crib sheet over the protector.

3.  Lay a crib pad flat over the sheet.

4.  Layer another sheet over the pad.

5.  Repeat steps 3 & 4 with the remaining pads and sheets.  I use 4 sheets, but you could do more or less, depending on what works best for you.

When you're layering, you'll want to start with the tightest-fitting sheet and work your way out to the loosest-fitting one.  I found that the jersey-type material was stretchier than the sateen or regular cotton sheets.

Now, when your little one wets through a diaper or spills a water cup in the crib, you just have to remove the top sheet & pad, and you're all set to go with clean sheets! 

I promise that when you have a late-night accident, you will really feel like supermom when you can do a sheet change that quickly & easily.  I can't even imagine having to take the mattress out of the crib and start from scratch every time Little Bear had an accident!

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