Miracle Earache & Ear Infection Remedy! {Momma's Magic Drops}

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One of a mamma's simple pleasures is the quiet that falls over the house between the kiddos' bed times and momma's bedtime. I don't like that time to be disturbed. By anything.

Especially by the sound of a screeching toddler...

At about 11:45 last night, Little Bear (2 1/2) started screaming like a banshee. My first thought was, of course, bad dream... I ran to his room and he was sitting up in bed clutching his ear. I will concede that he's really not ever sick and has never ever had ear troubles, so he may have been more dramatic than most kids. Either way, the sound of my baby in pain induced a bit of a panic.

... Crap. An ear ache is probably not ER worthy, although his screams are pretty intense. Can I get an OTC drop that will help? What kind of artificial meds are in those drops? ...

I had to do something, but I had no idea what. There were some old homeopathic, glycerine-based ear drops in the medicine cabinet (not sure why, though), but they turned out to be entirely useless. Dude wouldn't even let me hold a warm rag on his ear to soothe it, and I was out of ideas.

As I snuggled my still-bawling little guy, I googled like a maniac. The only remedy I could find that could be made with what I had on hand was garlic and olive oil. I had no expectation of success, but I had to do something.

Apparently, both ingredients are highly antibacterial and garlic is a crazy good anti-inflammatory.

SO, to cut to the chase, Little Bear sat on a chair in the kitchen whimpering, "muh ear, muh ear. muh ear hut" while I made "Momma's Magic Drops" {Seriously, naming not fun things fun names somehow makes the idea less appalling to the little ones...}

I have no pics of the actual process, because I was beyond tired and frazzled by the time we were at this point in the night...
  • Put 1/4 cup unrefined olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. 
  • Add about 4 cloves of crushed, coarsely chopped garlic. 
  • Let it simmer until the garlic pieces start to brown. 
  • Remove the garlic and bring to room or body temperature. 
  • Use a dropper and drop several drops in the affected ear. 
  • Wait several minutes with the bad ear up to let the oil run down into the ear (we sang the ABCs three times slowly while eating chocolate).
  • Repeat several times a day until the ear is better.
You can store the oil in a glass container in the refrigerator. When you're ready to use them, fill up the dropper and leave it on the counter to warm up for several minutes.

No exaggeration, within seconds of the drops going in his ear, LB was calmed down. And, by the time we were done singing the ABC's, he was already starting to doze back off. He woke up this morning tired, but without even the slightest indication that his ears were hurting. SUCCESS!!!

For good measure, we still did drops this morning and then two more times during the day.

*HUGE sign of relief*

Do you have another natural DIY remedy to share? Have you tried this one? I can't say how well this will work across the board, but I will for sure try it again if/when LB has an earache again!


  1. I have one for you, for an earache. Same antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion. One of two ways: 1. Just a regular old onion cut in half or quarter (depending on ear size) heat in Microwave oven for 1 minute (will be hot as hades). Wrap in wash cloth/dish towel... hold over ear for up to 20 minutes. 2. Cook onion use garlic press to squeeze out juice. Mix with coconut oil. Drop into ear once it has cooled down.(2-4 drops) relief will be on the way.
    I get ear infections pretty often, even though I have had doctors tell me that I am too old to get them anymore... I laugh in their face and say tell that to my ear. I have ruptured my eardrum 2 times since I turned 18. I swear by this remedy.

    1. ugh I forgot to specify... mix the juice of the onion with the coconut oil. coconut oil is antibacterial as well and will absorb into the skin in the ear.

  2. I will now believe that garlic got anything to do with an ear infection, this is perhaps the fourth post I have read about it. Another remedy that I got for ear infection is eucalyptus oil and apple cider vinegar, the post about it is at this link: http://www.peoplebulletin.com/09-2013/alleviating-ear-infection-pain-the-old-fashioned-way.htm

    These are just first aids, it's still best to consult an EENT physician about it.

  3. Great post indeed! In know ear infections are painful and frustrating as I also have infection and pain in my left ear. I have consulted several ear specialists and tried almost all the remedies, but the pain is still the same. Even I have tried several ear drops also, but there is no relief in my pain. The suggestion you have mentioned seems quite nice, I will try it out for sure.

  4. We buy these at the health food store. They are amazing and saved my kids from tubes at the ENT. I wish every ailment had a solution this simple.

  5. I use garlic capsules. I just poke needle in it and squeeze the liquid in my sore ear and the ear is gone in like 15 to 20 minutes.

    1. My parents would do this to me also when I was a kid. I've had two ear surgeries, last one being my freshman year of college, but I still stand by the garlic drops working.

    2. Your ear is gone in 15 to 20 minutes? The whole ear or just part? Sorry clearly a typo, but it made me giggle thinking the whole ear disappeared

  6. I'm doing it right now..hope my baby feels better..thank youu

  7. Breast milk works wonders, too, and can be used in eye infections as well. If it have it "in stock" it is quick, free, and just the right temperature! I used it on my two girls during a bad cold, and they only needed one application per ear. A warm compress, some essential oils, and a little cuddle time and those ear aches disappeared without turning into an infection.

  8. Simmer half an onion flat side down in a few inches of water until soft. After cooling for a minute, wrap in a towel and place it behind the infected ear. Hold it there as long as you can. (Maybe about 5-10 min.) Do this whenever they seem bothered. Will get rid of an ear infection quickly!

    1. This is what my grandmother used to do over 60 years ago and it worked. I had forgotten all about this, thank you for reminding me

  9. Thank you so much for posting the measurements you used. I just made this for my daughter and she claims it's helping!

  10. A remedy from my grandmother always helped me. I constantly had earaches. A cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it. Not too wet. The alcohol made the ear warm. Also if u have a hot water bottle. Fill it with hottest water possible from tap. Lay on it w/ cotton ball in ear. Your able to fall asleep until u can see a Dr in the morning if needed. May need to pull cotton ball in half if its the bigger ones

  11. I live by garlic , now. Once, I went to ER and was diagnosed with strep, but they wouldn't give me an antibiotic because I didn't have insurance. I went home, went to my fav. search site Ask.com and asked for a natural antibiotic and of course garlic tea came up. Almost as soon as I began drinking I felt the pain going away. By evening I could swallow and talk again. I drank it for and couple of days and never felt better.
    I've also used the garlic and olive oil for earache. I didn't have a dropper, but you can dip a q-tip in the magic and press in ear (not in hole) and let the oil roll in. Works the same. Garlic in ginger root tea is outstanding for a cough/congestion.

  12. In my family we've always used mothers milk. My mum claims that a horses milk is second best.I have no idea why it works, but it does. I tried crushed onions once when the good stuff was not to hand, but I got burns. Lisa

  13. I have to share a story and I will try to shorten this. My daughter started complaining of her ear hurting (at the time we were seeing our original pediatrician and thinking of switching over completely to our naturopath who is also an MD) to save time we went to our pediatrician who diagnosed her with an ear infection in both ears and prescribed anitbiotics. Not being a fan of antibiotics unless absolutely necessary I called our naturopath and took her in. He assured us that is was definitely not an infection and antibiotics would not help in this case because she had fluid behind her eardrum that was causing a vacuum which is painful. He also told us that having an infection in both ears at one time is unlikely. We started using Mullein oil (garlic oil) with great results. Children that have allergies tend to be prone to ear pain probably due to the fluid behind the eardrum. We have been eliminating allergens and she hasn't had anymore problems with the fluid Good luck everyone, and definitely get a second opinion :)

  14. My hubby and my daughter are both prone to nasty earaches. I have used the garlic remedy if the ear is really swollen and infected. However, the garlic is most potent and effective if it is freshly crushed and not cooked. I just crush a clove of garlic into some olive oil and let it sit for a while, then I strain and apply it by a dropper to the ear. If the earache is just getting started and is not yet infected, plain warm olive oil does the trick to unplug those tight little tubes.

  15. AND as a bonus, if you have left, it would go well on chicken! ;)

    Seriously, we will consider trying this next time!

  16. Can you use it if a dog has an ear infection? ?

  17. I buy the jars of already minced garlic and I was wondering if I could just mix in some of the liquid from the jar with the olive oil. Would it work the same?

  18. Not sure if this relates but as for me when I was little and still to this day I sometimes get pain in my ears and usually always happends after being outside w/ windy wheather so a old remedy was to always get a fourth of a news paper n roll it up till it looks lk a funnel then putting the small end in ur ear someone will hold it n light it w/a lighter n let it burn until half way through u will literally see the air come out of ur ear n feel releave right away..I swear by this n its the only this that works for me when having air n ear...Also I have heard a lot ppl say they have tried almost everything n doc. Cant seem to find anything wrong w/them n they have tried this way and has seemed to help..

  19. does this work if a child has tubes?

  20. Do NOT put ANYTHING into the ear of a child who has tubes. Consult your Dr. ASAP!

  21. Jen Bruce-the only sane post!!!!!!!!!

  22. Couple drops of one's own urine is very effective for ear infections.

  23. Most of us often carry our own ear and also feeling involving ability to hear with regard to of course. However, this tends to almost all adjust even as frantically hunt for home made remedies with regard to head illness signs or symptoms that difficulty you, or even someone close. See more http://survival-mastery.com/med/health/home-remedies-for-ear-infection.html

  24. Unapproved ear drop products will be taken down by FDA More Details Visit us


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