
As a kid, I coveted the little sproutable terra-cotta planters and couldn't wait to experience the magic of the Chia Pet! I was actually in college when I finally got my very own Chia (an elephant), and it did not disappoint! Eventually the plant died, and, not wanting to dish out the money for replacement seeds, the clay creature disappeared into the sea of stuff lost in my frequent moves...

Now that I'm a much wiser "adult" I adore Chia for completely different reasons... In my teens and early 20's things like fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3's were nowhere on my radar, but are now the reasons that I am (completely) obsessed with chia seeds! Yes, they are the same seeds responsible for the little green bushes you can grow on animals, presidents, and other characters. {sure wish I could find my lost chia elephant now...}

I've been eating chia seeds almost every day for well over a year now, and have converted several friends along the way. Chia really is one of my favorite healthy habits. It's so good for you and is soooo easy to work into your diet! Chia seeds
  • have more antioxidants than blueberries,
  • have more Omega-3's than flax,
  • have tons of fiber,
  • help "keep things moving" to relieve and prevent belly bloating,
  • slow the breakdown of carbs, and
  • help your body prevent dehydration.
If you're not sold yet, you seriously just need to give chia a chance! There are several ways you can eat it AND it's really cheap! The 12 ounce bags run between $6 and $8.
Here are some of the ways we eat chia in my house:
  • For Parker, I sprinkle a teaspoon on a pb&j sandwich.
  • I also mix it with apple juice and let it set overnight (1 part chia to 2 or 3 parts juice) - it will thicken and tastes like chunky jello, yum!
  • Every morning with breakfast, I stir 2 Tablespoons into 8-10 ounces of juice or chocolate almond milk and then either drink right away or let it set for about 15 minutes and thicken.
  • Occasionally, I'll mix it into yogurt or pour it over cereal.
  • To bump the nutritional value of a meal, I'll just mix some chia right in to the final meal - risotto, macaroni and cheese, quinoa... you name it, we've probably had chia in it.
  • My friend Laura mixes hers into instant grits in the morning (genius! - could also be done with instant oatmeal).
The possibilities are endless! I premix some of mine with bee pollen granuals and then band a 1/8 cup scoop to the jar to make getting both in the mornings a little easier.

Chia and Almond Milk


  1. I've been curious about chia, and you just sold me! I'm going to give them a try! Thanks!

  2. Lindsey, I like this post but can't imagine eating a chia pet, lol. Btw, your writing is like a breath of fresh air :)

  3. Thanks, Steph! Next time I see you I'll give you a chia sample :) I promise you will not be disappointed!


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