Sunday Spotlight - La Mellite

You know those girls who have amazing skin?  The ones who never seem to have a single blemish on their faces.  The ones who wouldn't know what to do with a tube of concealer if their lives depended on it.  The ones who can always go out with zero makeup on and look like they spent hours prepping in front of the mirror?  Yeah... I used to be one of those girls.  No matter what else was crazy in my life, I knew that I could depend on a clear face and smooth complexion.
Then I got pregnant (I'm pretty sure there is an evil pact among moms everywhere that prohibits them from telling non-moms all of the real awfuls of pregnancy - but that's a whole other blog post).  My doc said pregnancy and "aging" ($&#@!) can cause hormone changes that cause acne even in women who have never had issues with it before.  Yippie.
It had been about 2 years, and nothing that I tried worked worth a darn.  My pores continued to get larger, icky pimples continued to pop up all over my face (and my back, and in my hair line), and my hope of ever having clear skin again slowly dwindled.  I figured that I traded an acne-free adolescense for a one-way ticket to adult acne town (again, $&#@!).
Then, about 2 months ago, I stumbled across an all-natural skin care line that has seriously worked magic on my complexion.  I ordered the Bright Lights Acne Tonic with a Plum District deal through Abe's Market (I'm so thankful that I had the deal and found this company then, because I'm way too cheap to pay full price for products that I haven't tried before).  The toner came with a sample of the Acne Serum.  Between the two products, my skin cleared up super fast.
I'm not saying that my skin is pre-baby again, but it's pretty darn close.  My pores have done some serious shrinking, my breakouts are very minimal, and my blackheads have even cleared up significantly (when I squeeze on my pores now, the little plugs of disgusting junk aren't there anymore - TMI?  Maybe, but it's true!).  I even made it through one of the most stressful few weeks of my life (bar prep) with like maybe 2 small zits to show for it - a truly amaing feat!

I hate to sound like a cheesy infomercial, but it's hard to be excited about facial products without doing so...
Anyway, I very rarely have brand loyalty (it's hard to be loyal when trying to find good deals on natural products), but I am completely sold on this brand!  I did some research, and love that it's a small company that hand makes every product they sell.  They really do care about creating products that use natural ingredients and that REALLY work!
I wanted to be able to share the awesomeness of La Mellite with y'all, sooo I contacted the company and have been working with them to come up with an awesome free sample, gift set giveaway, and coupon promotion just for my fans!  I'll share the details tomorrow, but I couldn't wait to tell you how excited I am for y'all to get to try these products!  Be looking out for the specifics of this great promotion - you don't want to miss out, trust me!

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