Tricky, Tricky

I could write a whole book on this one, but I've really been frustrated with it this week so just a quick rant for now.

It seems like as the market for natural products grows (yay!), so does the prevalence of misleading product labels (boo!). I understand that it is not the big companies' jobs to make sure that we are making the best choices for our health, but do they really have to twist every word and even exploit possible syntax confusion just to make an extra sale?

To me it comes down to integrity. It just goes to show that you really have to own your own health. You cannot rely on other people or companies to make smart decisions for you. Reading ingredient labels is key, because packaging claims are simply not dependable. If you don't know what an ingredient is, look it up (or ask me and I'll look it up for you)!

I put some pictures together, but I left off the company names. I did this because there are so many companies who use misleading labels that I didn't want to single out just a couple to make my point. I'll probably be writing a product review about some of these shortly (let me know if there are other products that you have questions about - I'll be happy to try them out/read up on them!).

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