Woes of GMOs

Head's up:  This is a more serious post than usual.  There aren't many random musings or jokes that are appropriate with a post like this, so I'm going to keep it keep it direct.

I've had several conversations with various friends and family lately about the subject and have been really surprised about the massive misunderstanding about exactly what a "GMO" is.  I'm pretty sure that if most people really understood (even on a very basic level) what is happening with our food when it is "genetically modified," there would be a much larger uproar against the practice.

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms.  This is slightly misleading, because it brings to mind the centuries'-old practice of cross-pollinating, grafting, and selective breeding, which has always been considered safe and even "natural."  NO, no, no, no, no - this is NOT what the term GMO refers to!

Genetically Modified Organisms have been altered at a DNA level in a lab by a scientist.  There were most likely no farmers involved and there is NOTHING natural about this process.  Scientists literally take genetic material from one plant/animal and introduce it into the genetic material of another.  The result is a mutated organism that would NEVER exist on its own outside of the lab (Council for Responsible Genetics).

An estimated 80% of processed foods contain GMOs (JustMeans).  The big GMO crops are corn, soy, cotton, and canola.  Odds are, if the food contains one of these ingredients (as do 90% of foods found in the grocery store) and it's not organic, it's a GMO.  Your meat and dairy are probably not GMO-free either.  Much of the feed given to livestock and other farm animals is genetically modified, as well.  The GMO feed actually changes the composition of the meat and dairy products that comes from these animals.

These crops are infused with the DNA from bacterium to make them ultra resistant to herbicides and/or produce their own pesticides.  Yep.  Your dinner can produce it's own pesticides.  As if the crap that's sprayed on our crops isn't bad enough already, let's make a plant that makes its own pesticides and eat those chemicals, too.  Also, let's make a plant that allows us to spray unlimited amounts of toxic herbicides on it without harming it.  The more we can spray (and eventually eat) the better, right?

I know I promised there wouldn't be any of my own musings here, but I literally want to yell dozens of nasty four-letter words when I think about this.

In my fact-checking for this post, I was really surprised to read about some of the disgusting animal creatures that have been produced (yes, produced - not born, not grown - produced).  For example, the Institute for Responsible Technology reports that "spider genes were inserted into goat DNA, in hopes that the goat milk would contain spider web protein for use in bulletproof vests."  You can read more about these combinations here.

If the bare illogicalities of the GMO industry hasn't hit all the way home for you, consider the fact that every study that has been relied upon in the defense of GMOs has been conducted, interpreted, and funded by the companies who created and stand to profit (greatly) from their continued use.  Again, the GMO "food" has a genetic make-up that is entirely foreign to this world.  Our bodies simply are not designed or adapted for consuming and processing these genetically mutated organisms.  For more info, check out this article from NonGMOProject.org about the very questionable GMO studies conducted by Monsanto.

Most other developed countries have already outlawed or substantially regulated the production and distribution of GMOs (including Japan and the European Union).  Not the U.S.!  We continue to give patents, funding, and approval encouraging the continued development and growth of the GMO industry.  Again, %$#&!

Aren't they worth it if people who would otherwise starve to death receive food?  Don't GMO crops help to feed the hungry?  Of course GMO food is better than no food at all (but only by a very slim margin...)  But NO, GMOs have NOT been shown to yield larger crops or more nutrient-dense food as promised.  The only advantages that this science experiment of an industry has been able to create are crops that won't die when sprayed with ungodly doses of herbicides and that can create their own pesticides.



  1. I talk about anti-GMOs until I'm blue in the face and it seems like the people I'm talking to still don't get it. I ask people to take the anti-GMO challenge and notice how difficult it is to avoid. We need to send a message by not purchasing them.

  2. I agree completely! It seems like the two prevailing camps in this fight either say, "We need to feed the world regardless of the means" or, "People have been cross-breeding plants for centuries." I hate the "food" industry for making Americans so misinformed and appathetic! I also hate that by saying these things I'm automatically labeled as a consipracy theorist or a hippie... sigh...

  3. I talk about this subject contantly. I think everyone who knows the truth about GMO's should speak openly about it. It amazes me how little people really know.
    I asked my friend at work what she thought about Genetically Modified Foods. She said "Oh, I would never eat anything like that!". She was drinking a pepsi and eating a lean cuisine microwave dinner at the time. She had no idea! We had a long conversation about GMO after that.
    Great Post! Thank you for helping to spread the word!

  4. Thanks! My whole reason for writing this blog is to spread information... It's unbelievable just how misinformed the public is about GMOs, pesticides, and other chemical processes that their food goes through. It sounds cliche, but "if I can change the mind of just one person...'


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