Lunch... Ugh.

I hate lunch.  Honestly, I'm guilty of just skipping it entirely sometimes.  It's such a pain!  Breakfast is easy - eggs, toast, waffles, pancakes, etc.  Dinner is fun, and there are tons of options.  But... Lunch... I hate lunch.

I never feel like cooking anything mid-day, I don't eat lunch meat or other processed meats (so bad for you!), and there are only so many pb&j's that I can handle in a week.  Plus, I can never quite get my creative foodie juices flowing in the vast expanse between breakfast and dinner.  Never.  I hate lunch.

Before Little Bear was eating solids, it was easy to just eat a protein bar or skip lunch all together.  But now I am forced to come up with a lunch every. single. day.  I hate lunch.

So... My solution is this post.  I need your help!!!  I've racked my brain and done some searching around, and I've put this (scarse) list together.  I'd love to keep it growing with your ideas.  If they are quick and follow the "unrefined" rules, I'll add them to the list!

  • Egg Salad
  • Chicken Salad (with crockpot chicken)
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly/Honey/Agave/Fruit Puree
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Avocado & Mayo
  • Tomato on Toast with Mayo
  • Whole Wheat Pita Pockets
  • Bean, Cheese & Rice (make and freeze ahead of time)
  • Cheese Quesadilla
  • Leftover Meat (chicken, beef or pork) Quesadilla
  • Sliced Hardboiled Egg with Frozen Veggies
  • Leftovers Frittata (great with brown rice or pasta and cheese)
  • Egg Salad with Fruit and/or Veggies
  • Simple Pasta Salad (whole wheat pasta, mayo, frozen veggies)
  • Frozen Whole Wheat Ravioli (cooked) and Marinara Dipping Sauce
Light Eats
  • Cheese Sticks/Cubes and Sauteed Zucchini or Squash "Sticks" with Greek Yogurt Dip
  • Cottage Cheese with Fruit/Applesauce
  • Sushi Rolls
  • Veggies/Pita with Dips
  • Hummus and Dippers
And, that's it, folks.  That's about it for our lunchtime rotation around here.  Aside from reheated leftovers from last night's dinner, we don't have much lunchtime excitement.  WHICH IS WHY I NEED YOUR IDEAS! I'm literally begging y'all for some better lunch suggestions!  Leave them in the comments, email them to, or come see me on facebook.  I'm waiting :)


  1. My go-to lunch is usually some kind of dip with either sliced veggies or toasted wheat pita. At the beginning of the week I just make a couple big batches of spinach dip, salsa, guac, or flavored hummus (like jalepeno, olive, etc.).

  2. Last nights leftovers are my favorite thing to make for lunch - cheap, easy, and filling! Other than that, you have many more ideas in your arsenal than I do. I don't see sushi on your list though - would California rolls make the cut?

  3. Haha--you think that's a short list?!!! I am to be shamed. I usually do leftovers or pull out freezer items--gotta love the pre-chopped frozen veggies. How about smoothies? My mom also likes cottage cheese and applesauce (blech for me, but I'll throw it out there). Almonds are good too (but not for babies obviously).

    By the way I just found you and I am definitely going to follow you. I need the inspiration!
    -Gina (


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