{Guest Blogger: Overworked Supermom} I'm Ready to Be a B*#$&!

I think I owe it to myself to become a "B" ... well, a skinny b*%&#, at least. I've been inspired and am now on a mission to look and feel my best.

Here's the thing. Due to a variety of medical maladies, I've been overweight and unhappy with my outward self for several years. This isn't about vanity (although I would love to look uber hot), but my health.

Me, 13 years ago. I was slender, healthy and happy. Today, that poor girl is buried under additional, unneeded pounds. I must save her!
About three years ago, I had a miscarriage. It’s worth noting that a few months later, I got pregnant and had a beautiful, perfect baby boy. Even still, the miscarriage got me thinking. There are a plethora of reasons I could have lost my baby. Chromosomes didn't jive together, God felt it wasn't the right time and/or my body isn't "up to code."

I know how hard I've worked to lose what I have over the years, so I'm not blaming myself per say, but I know that I can do even more to get myself healthy.

I can't rely on others to get my butt in shape — this task is up to me. Only I decide what goes in my mouth. It's up to me to make better choices for my health.

With that in mind, I set out to learn more about living healthy. Obviously, I keep up with Living Unrefined, but I’ve also spent some time reading these:

The Skinny Bitch phenom was started by two beautiful vegans hell-bent on getting their no-nonsense advice out for all to hear. Their straight-to-the-point advice and "slap in the face" attitude really grabbed my intention. Put down the candy bar? Okay! Of course I don't want a fat ass forever! You're so right, SBs!

The Organic Food Shopper's Guide is a really informative book that explains how to shop for, store and utilize your food to the fullest potential. I've been pouring over it, compiling a shopping list of my organic "must haves." Plus, I've already set aside quite a few recipes to try next week. Yum!

The Student's Vegetarian Cookbook intrigued me. It's written with the poor college student in mind, but why not have a poor writer take full advantage of its secrets? It teaches you how to use common ingredients in a more healthful, tasty way — who couldn't use that advice? (They also have a vegan companion book available, but I'm not too interested… yet.)

I'm not going vegan or fully vegetarian — anyone who knows me I can eat the crap out of some ribs or homemade hamburgers! — but I am converting to a more organic, less meat lifestyle. It amazes me that I've put crap in my body for 29 years ... and I'm not talking about the sodas and candy (though I'm beyond guilty), but things that we've been told were good for us: milk, veggies full of pesticides and meat with more problems than I care to discuss. These are things we've always heard in the background of society, but never paid much mind to. Well, my mind is beginning to open. It's time for a new way of life.

I just want to become the healthiest version of myself possible. I want to enjoy the nutrients my food has to offer, without all the crap (or less of it, at least).

Has anyone ever tried eating all organic and/or vegetarian/vegan?
What was your experience with it?

—Supermom OUT

Overworked Supermom is a real life supermom! Maybe not all the time, but she sure does try. Between working full-time and being a mommy, she still finds time to write, craft, cook and joke about life in a positive way. So check out Overworked Supermom on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and her blog!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I hope you have great success in your health journey. Although I think the odds would be higher if you coverted to a more organic, less sugar diet. But that's just my two cents :)


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