Why Didn't They Warn Me?!

There are certain things that I've decided are "hidden" secrets of momdom.  Seasoned moms know them, but either choose not to tell new moms or just take them for granted because they've become such an expected part of life.

BUT, these things need to be recorded.  To be shared.  To be explained.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with Little Bear (who I swore was a girl until the second gender ultrasound pronounced him officially a boy), I bought several pregnancy and new mom books and subscribed to every major milestone/prep blog and website available.  I like to be prepared.  I like to know what I'm getting in to.  And, I NEED to feel at least somewhat in control of what's happening.
In all of this sometimes manic reading and learning, there were things that I swear I was never warned about.  Or maybe they seemed so far-fetched that I assumed they never really happened to real moms.
Consider this a warning!  Even if it sounds awful and horrible, and you think that it could never happen to you, you must believe that it can - and that it very likely will!
With that being said, here are the things that I wish someone would have told me before I found out the hard way {heads-up, some are a little graphic}:
  • Your boobs may leak.  Yep, you'll be sitting there in class/at work/at dinner and lactation will be the farthest thing from you mind - until you look down and notice that the entire front of your shirt is soaked.  WHAT THE HELL!!! Whatisthis!!!  Oh, yeah, you'll find out later, boobs can leak while you're still pregnant.  Consider yourself warned.  {Solution:  keep a sample pack of boob pads on hand at ALL times while your pregnant.  I was only 24 weeks along when this happened to me...}
  • The first ultrasound.  Uhm, yeah... When you see new moms getting their ultrasounds on tv, it's the nifty little wand that they rub around on your tummy. Not so much.  The first (and maybe second) ultrasound is actually transvaginal.  If you're not expecting it, it's a not-so-good shock and leaves you feeling more than a little violated.  That's all I'm saying - Google it if you want more info (I suggest not selecting google images for that search...)
  • You may get horrible acne.  Even if you've never been one to break out, something about all of the crazy pregnancy hormones can cause you to break out - badly.  Don't worry, though, because on one else will notice once you look like you've eaten a whole watermelon patch.
  • Morning sickness can be more like an awful, trimester-long hangover. Yay!
  • "Cravings" can sometimes feel like an insatiable need to eat something with no idea what something is.  Until you figure out what it is, nothing else sounds good.  You will want to kill anyone who tells you to just eat anything or who tries to solve the problem by listing random foods in hopes that one sounds good to you - none of them will.
  • When your water breaks, it's not a one-and-done deal.  Nope.  Every contraction after for quite a while will cause more water to leak.  For me, it was a lot of water.  I honestly thought that I was peeing myself every time I had a contraction.  {Solution:  get a pack of Depends (adult diapers) and slip one on once labor starts.  You do NOT want to be in the middle of the produce department feeling like you're wetting yourself repeatedly.}
  • After the baby is born, you will have what basically equates to the longest and heaviest menstrual period you've ever had.  It's almost like something from a nasty horror movie.  They'll give you big-o weird pads (think 10 overnight maxis all stuck together) at the hospital, but you're much better off just buying a pack of Depends and hauling them with you.  You probably think I'm joking, but I'm not.  Seriously - get yourself some Depends.  You can thank me later... Actually, send daddy to go get them.  It's pretty embarrassing to buy them, and he owes you.  For the rest of your life, he owes you.
  • Don't even bother taking non-maternity clothes to the hospital with you, because there is no way in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks that you will be wearing them home.  Yeah, it's maternity clothes for a while.  Sorry.
It may sound like a gross, awful road (sometimes it really is), but there is NOTHING in the world like holding that amazing little bundle for the first time.  In that instant, you will (almost) forget everything that you've been through.  Until next time...

Since every pregnancy is different, you may have a whole different list of surprises - exciting, I know!  What do you wish someone had told you before you were pregnant?

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