Apples to Oranges {to raspberries to carrots to...}

I was in the produce section of the grocery store this afternoon, and was faced with a perplexing dilemma... Both the organic apples AND the organic oranges were on sale! What to do?!?

I held up a 5-pound bag of each and (innocently) asked Little Bear to pick one. He hesitated and muttered, "uhm, uuuuhhhhmmm, uhm." Then, realizing the obvious hilarity of my request, giggled out loud and said, "I know, dude, it's like choosing between apples and oranges!" Hee hee hee. I'm so funny. The other Kroger shoppers gave me "really?" Looks out of the corners of their eyes, but at least I amuse myself, right?

We ended up getting both, because can one really compare apples to oranges?? {yep, still funny}

Ok, so, there is a reason for this rambling.

Didja know... A quick post-purchase, pre-refrigerator water-vinegar rinse (like 4-to-1) kills mold spores on the surface of fruits and veggies and prolongs their shelf life? {it is especially helpful for berries!}


  1. Thanks for the tip! Question: what's the best way to store the fruit after the rinse (sealed air-tight or not?)

    1. Hi, Gina! It's so good to hear from you!

      Because I like for LB to be able to serve himself apples, oranges, and other kid-friendly fruits, I just dedicate one of the fridge drawers to clean produce. I keep it lined with paper towels to soak up any excess moisture. For berries and grapes, I rinse out the carton that they came in and line it with paper towels before I put the berries back in. I really like my fruits cold!

      BUT, there are guidelines for how everything should be stored. I really like this chart:


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